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Chance to Add More Computer Classes

Writer: Lions of Lockhurst PTOLions of Lockhurst PTO



As most of you know, Computerwisekids (a third-party vendor) provides technology classes for our Lockhurst Students. This is not a service provided by LAUSD; it is one of the programs funded solely by the Lockhurst PTSA's fundraising efforts.

In the last few weeks, a handful of parents have asked the PTSA about the possibility of adding weekly computer classes for grades K through 2.

Up to this point, the Computerwisekids schedule for grades K through 2 has been one 50-minute class every other week, while grades 3 through 5 attend one 50-minute class each week. Our current annual contract price from Computerwisekids is $37,500 for that schedule, for the entire year of instruction.

To meet your requests - and hey, we think it's a great idea also! - we'd like to contract Computerwisekids to add that additional weekly class for grades K through 2. That means all grades at Lockhurst will attend weekly 50-minute technology/computer courses; not just the upper grades.

The cost for this upgrade - in addition to our current contract - is $3,500. To secure the additional instructor, we need to raise these funds in addition to what we'd already planned by next Monday - Oct. 10th.

Please help us out, Lockhurst families! The Student Fund is VITAL to the survival of enrichment classes at Lockhurst. If you haven't donated yet, please do so quickly! Our overall, annual Student Fund goal is $70,000 - and we're not even halfway yet. Click HERE to donate today!


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© 2016 Lockhurst Drive Charter Elementary 

and Lions of Lockhurst PTO

6170 Lockhurst Drive

Woodland Hills, CA 91367

Main (818) 888-5280  |  Fax (818) 346-0283


Los Angeles Unified School District

333 S. Beaudry Avenue

Los Angeles, CA 90017 
Main (213) 241-1000  |  Fax (213) 241-8442


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